Changing the Timezone


we use screenly ose and are only able to change the settings in the browser. Is it possible to change the timezone without flashin raspbian etc.? Screenly shows under system info GMT. So the time is displayed wrong in several assets without any possibilty to change it.
Will it be possible to simply change the timezone under settings in a future version of screenly?

Greetings from Germany!

Hello @Werkkiste , are you talking about this part in red?

if so, if you have access to the Pi (SSH or physical keyboard) , just type (using example berlin):

sudo timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Berlin

And it should change it.

Will it be possible to simply change the timezone under settings in a future version of screenly?

Well, it’s possible yes, but its a bit of work to get all listed timezones into the web interface in a dropdown menu and then when user makes selection to send that command to write to the system… but remember this is open-source so if others can contribute to the code for things like these, it would help.


thank you for your answer. How can I type the code, when screenly starts immediatly? Or do I have to type it blind while the assets are being displayed? Sorry for the questions but I´m only a user :slight_smile: I don’t know what SSH ist but I can connect a sphysical keyboard.

It’s ok, not everyone is a linux user, sorry.
You can connect a keyboard, and to get to the command prompt, press these three keys together on the keyboard:

this should bring a black screen with the login prompt, login info should be:
user: pi
password: raspberry

then you can run the command I posted.

It worked! Thank you very much!

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A little easier, and lists all the time zones you can choose (I copy/paste part of ealmonte). Remember to type the commands in lower case.

You can connect a keyboard, and to get to the command prompt, press these three keys together on the keyboard:

this should bring a black screen with the login prompt, login info should be:
user: pi
password: raspberry

type: sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

READ the WARNING! Then type the password again. Wait a moment and then you are presented with lists that you can use to find the most appropriate time zone.

Then type exit.

I’m in Arizona and that screws up most computers.