Multiscreen output

Is there a way to use the software to output to 4 or more screens like a splicer would? Would I need same number of Pis and how would this be setup, if its indeed possible?

@Riz, support for multiple screens is not yet supported.

@Riz, also check the following comment on the other topic for details: 2 TV's to have a single display - #4 by nicomiguelino

Following on this topic, I have multiple displays each with its own RaspPi.
I want to script the device to copy all display changes to the other devices in my system. In effect having one place to update with 8 displays then showing the same info (but not necessarily in sync).
Has anyone done this yet? And if not, can anyone point me to the directory/folder on the device that contains the display/config data.

@hardy, that feature does not come with Anthias out of the box.
There are a few options that you can get around with it (although not the most elegant).

Option 1: via the REST API

  • The API documentation can be found by accessing http://<DEVICE_IP_OR_HOSTNAME>/api/docs.
  • You can make use of the endpoints for doing CRUD operation on assets, doing file uploads.

Option 2: via the backup data

  • Go to the web UI and click the Settings menu.
  • Scroll down to the Backup section and click Get Backup. This should download the backup files (including the assets, assets info, and settings).
  • Downloading and recovering backups can also be done via the API, via the /api/v1/backup and /api/v1/recover endpoints.

At the moment, you can write and maintain your own script for managing those players/displays. Do however take note that contribution to Anthias are always welcome.