"permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket"

Fresh install from Raspberry Pi Imager (64-bit lite). I SSH in and bash <(curl -sL https://install-anthias.srly.io) and pick yes on all. Then I get this warning: permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get “http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.24/containers/json”: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied

I’m not sure what it means and if there’s anything I can or should do about it? Then there’s the :
[+] Running 21/6
⠼ anthias-celery Pulling 299.3s
⠿ anthias-nginx Pulled 155.4s
⠸ anthias-websocket Pulling 299.3s
⠿ redis Pulled 140.8s
⠸ anthias-server Pulling 299.3s
⠸ anthias-viewer Pulling 299.3s
info that I’m not sure what it means.

EDIT: It says it’s completed after a while and wants to reboot, it’s just that I don’t know if this information is relevant or not since it’s after that the usual bugs comes up (Not being able to log in a second time/can’t find it on the network any longer).

EDIT 2: Um, I’m not sure it’s working at all, since the display is just black after the reboot. I see the green light blinking here and there on the Pi, so I think something’s going on at least(?). I’d like to have some progress bar or something showing so the user knows it’s not just dead.

EDIT 3. Nope. Just dead. It shows the Anthias logo and then it goes black. The end. sigh

One workaround is to SSH into the device (if possible) and run the following after reboot

cd ~/screenly

Still haven’t figured out the permission denied issue during the install (before the reboot).

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Thanks! That did the trick. Now I just hope it will work again when I log in next time tomorrow morning.

On my Pi 4b, I get
yaml: unmarshal errors:
line 39: mapping key “volumes” already defined at line 29
when I try to upgrade.

And the screen is just black after boot. No logo or anything. I have tried on two different ones already.

Hi Pepeu,
The problem is an extra line in the docker setup template file. You need to remove the extra volumes: line from the file as it is duplicated.

In the file: docker-compose.yml.tmpl
you should see line 29: volumes:
Just remove that line from the .tmpl file and the upgrade containers will work.

@wlashell thanks for pointing out this one. A fix/PR is on its way.

The PR that I created (#1786) was already merged. You can now run ./bin/upgrade_containers.sh without errors.