I am using Screenly OSE with Raspberry Pi Zero W.
When I choose “Shutdown Screenly” from “Settings” menu, Screenly disconnects WIFI but keeps running.
Only shutdown option then is to pull the plug!
Any idea what might be wrong? Thanks! 
P.S. Installed via NOOBS
Hi there,
We don’t really do anything particular with this. It should be the default behavior. If you install Raspbian/Raspberry Pi OS and issue the command shutdown -h now
, I believe you will have the same result. Could you confirm?
@Froehlich, the pull request for the fix (Shutdown and reboot is not working via web UI after a while. · Issue #1920 · Screenly/Anthias · GitHub) was recently merged.
- For instances that runs Balena (when you used the release images or selected Anthias from the Raspberry Pi Imager), your device should already have the fixes.
- For instances that runs Raspberry Pi OS Lite, you can do manual upgrade by running