Screenly shutdown not working!

I am using Screenly OSE with Raspberry Pi Zero W.
When I choose “Shutdown Screenly” from “Settings” menu, Screenly disconnects WIFI but keeps running.
Only shutdown option then is to pull the plug!
Any idea what might be wrong? Thanks! :slight_smile:

P.S. Installed via NOOBS

Hi there,

We don’t really do anything particular with this. It should be the default behavior. If you install Raspbian/Raspberry Pi OS and issue the command shutdown -h now, I believe you will have the same result. Could you confirm?

@Froehlich, the pull request for the fix (Shutdown and reboot is not working via web UI after a while. · Issue #1920 · Screenly/Anthias · GitHub) was recently merged.

  • For instances that runs Balena (when you used the release images or selected Anthias from the Raspberry Pi Imager), your device should already have the fixes.
  • For instances that runs Raspberry Pi OS Lite, you can do manual upgrade by running ./bin/