SSH not enabled and ctrl+alt+f1 not working

I’ve been using screenly ose for years with no problem.
Now I’m testing the new version Anthias.
I’ve been trying the installation through balenaEtcher and Raspberry PI Imager on Raspberry 3+.
It works fine, I can access the web interface, I can publish assetts but…
I cannot access via ssh and I cannot access via keyboard neither.
I wish I could anable ufw to give a little more security…
Where am I doing wrong?


did you create the blank ssh file on your /boot/ partition of the SD card?
ctrl+alt+f1 works just fine on a recently installed anthias Pi, if you dont log in within the time for the next asset though it will go back to showing the assets and leave console.
are you 100% using the non balena version?

I’m pretty sure. I’ve downloaded the img file from
I’ve also tried to create the boot/ssh file but no luck since now…
I’ve added the default assets, it shows them, but if I use ctrl+alt+f1 just turns black with no input available… is there any other trick? can I edit some conf file on the sd so I can turn on also the wifi? At the moment seems not working, but it runs with the wire.

instead of using that image, i suggest you follow the instructions i’ve given to everyone else when there is some issue with the images, simply download the raspi OS lite directly from and flash that image using balenaEtcher into your SD card, when it is done craete the blank ssh.txt file in the /boot/ partition, that would enable ssh upon boot.

Here is a copy of the installation instructions i have given to others:

Great, thank you for the support.
I’ve successfully got it running fine.
Thank you again.

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