I’m using Anthias connected to a television that is too high to easily interact with. I need a ladder. The Ras Pi is actually connected to the TV, hooked to the back of it. I am also using an ESP32 connected via Home Assistant to detect whether the TV is turned on or not, and using an IR LED to turn the TV on or off as desired. My whole goal is to make the display as unattended as possible. The TV turns on and off at scheduled times, and the ESP32 (and therefore Home Assistant) knows whether the TV is on or off by checking power out on the TV’s USB port. That part has been perfectly stable, with the TV always being on when it should be, and off when it should be.
Since Screenly changed to using Docker, it is far less stable, and it will freeze with a black screen and not respond to SSH or web calls several times each week. That means that I have to get out the ladder and unplug/replug the Pi. On a separate Raspberry Pi, I have been able to connect an ESP to GPIO3, and with dtoverlay=gpio-shutdown, have the ESP toggle the GPIO pins and force the Pi to shut down, and after it has shut down, restart. I have routinely used gpio-shutdown on many other Ras Pi projects, and have never had a Ras Pi OS that doesn’t respond. The only new part of this (for me) is using an ESP32 instead of a pushbutton. And Anthias.
The Anthias partition labeled “resin boot” includes the file “cmdline.txt,” which is where the shutdown overlay is typically enabled on a Ras Pi. It does not respond to “pressing the button,” either via a simple pushbutton switch or using the ESP32 GPIO (with common ground) to pull the RPi pin low. Yes, I can use the ESP32 and a relay to physically cut and restore the power, but really want to avoid risking the SD card and want to avoid adding even more parts.
EDIT: While the partition does include cmdline.txt, it also includes config.txt, which is the correct file. I initially typed the wrong file name in the question.
Is there another way to enable gpio-shutdown, or has it been disabled for some reason?