How can I customize the web interface?

Hello everyone,
I’ve successfully installed Anthias on my raspberrypi and have basic understandings of how dockers work but almost zero knowledge about docker-compose.
I’ve edited some html files relative to the admin dashboard and I’d like to re-build the docker to reflect those changes, I don’t want to actually go into the docker instance itself and change the code there. How can I do it?
Thanks for your help!

Running docker compose build in that directory yields:

+] Building 0.3s (2/2) FINISHED                                 docker:default
 => [redis internal] load build definition from Dockerfile.redis           0.1s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 2B                                         0.0s
 => [anthias-server internal] load build definition from Dockerfile.serve  0.0s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 2B                                         0.0s
failed to solve: failed to read dockerfile: open Dockerfile.server: no such file or directory

@fol, maybe this would do the trick:

cd ~/screenly
docker compose down && ./bin/

Take note that PI_VERSION could be something like pi1, pi2, pi3, or pi4. (It depends on your device.)

Let me know if you have further questions or concerns. Thanks.

Thanks @nicomiguelino for your response, unfortunately it did not work.
I’ve edited files in screenly/templates/ and screenly/static/css but running the command you provided just deploys everything back to the original state, ignoring my changes.

In other words, I am not able to make it reflect my local changes to the docker container for the anthias-server.

@fol, I might have missed something. Aside from the steps that I previously mentioned, edit bin/ and replace pull with build.

Thanks for your response @nicomiguelino, unfortunately I am not able to test this out in the near future. Once I’ll get the opportunity to do so I’ll reach back to you. Leaving this thread as open for now.