Using Screenly-OSE, I was able to create an extra Menu item that displays a screenshot of what is currently ‘showing’. I’m not proficient at all using docker: After installing the latest Screenly-OSE (now Antheas) is see to that Antheas is now in docker containers.
How do I go about customizing the Web portal ? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hello, interesting question indeed !
Unfortunately, I don’t know ; but I would be very much interested to learn how you managed to do it on Screenly-OSE ???
Part 1 of 5
I’ll try to keep it short, but still give enough info to give you an idea. Basically, a snapshot is made when you click the ‘Now Showing’ menu item, and the page is shown.
Still TODO: Get Google Chrome to refresh itself. Sometimes you have to press F5+Reload to get the latest snapshot
I installed Screenly-OSE/Anthias on Raspbian Lite.
I tweaked the CSS files a bit to make things look pretty (background images, colors, sizing, drop shadows etc.) I modified the so that it can serve the ‘Now Showing’ page up. I modified the top menu and added the item ‘Now Showing’ next to Home.
I installed raspi2png on the pi. (Google search it - it’s in Git hub )
I wrote a script (rc.snap) that, when executed creates a snapshot of the display-memory (screenshot) and save it in a specific location with a fixed filename. The binary in my case is in /usr/bin and the resulting image file in /usr/src/app/static/img/active_asset.png
#---------------- rc.snap -------------
/usr/bin/raspi2png -p home/screenly/static/img/active_asset.png #---------------- End ------------------
WOW ! That’s really a work of Art ! and a beautiful one ! I’m impressed.
Thank you very much for sharing this. This makes me all the more sorry not to have the answer to your question …
But maybe I’ve hot a hint to share on the “get Chrome to refresh itself” aspect : why not insert a javascript bit of code into the page using the “reload” JavaScript function, with a little time delay (in milliseconds, I believe) ? Just like there :
Thanks cor the hint. I will definately have a look. BTW: I managed to figure it out. I’m no docker expert, far from it, I figured out how to customise Anthias web server by going ‘into’ the docker container.
1st do docker -ps to get list of running docker containers. Then docker exec -it /bin/bash
This lands you inside the docker spesified container filesystem. Now you can install/add/remove binaries, edit CSS files etc. The trick is getting stuff (background images etc.) from the rasPI fs to the docker fs. Luckely they mounted /home/screenly/static in the container under /data …
Was a mission but is got it working. The down-side is that you cannot re-download the containers because it will overwrite all your work…
And thank YOU for the additional information : you even managed to find the answer to your own question and you’re generous enough to share it with us all here !
You really are a Screenly AND Anthias Wizard.
Thanks again for the magic and have a nice week-end !
Hi Karl, any chance you can share the steps, there seem to be a lot of people wanting to make styling changes and no real reliable way of doing it.
Thanks, @Karl. It looks like most people wanted a way to modify the web interface with ease. I’ll let you know when I’ve come up with a way to customize the web interface without needing to do too much work.
That’s great work. Feel free to create a pull request for your changes (especially the now showing section).