I simply can't get Anthias to work!

Hi all,

I got it to work, at least in a “working on my machine” state. Please note that I can not give any guarantee that things will work for you, continue on your own risk :slight_smile:

  • Downgraded a RPI4 to an older firmware/eeprom that still boots the “classic” screenlty OSE. You might be able to skip this if you still have one that is not too new. Put in the card with Screenly OSE, if it boots up, you’re golden so far. If not, downgrade. It was working for me with this FW:

$ sudo rpi-update 4439d2aaa6c376a2d1ef4402f142e1cf4de37c43

  • Once you have the old screenly OST booting up on the downgraded RPi4, you can upgrade both the RPi and the screenly image together by running

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade

  • After a reboot, it should boot normally. You can now try this SD Card in an RPI4 where screenly did not work prior - it should also boot up there.

  • Next issue, for some weird reason, after the upgrade screenly uses mplayer to play videos, which has (A) no hardware decoding and (B) no sound. You want omxplayer because that has both of those features working. There is a check in screenly for which player to use, but apparently it is not working correctly after the update, so I just disabled it by modifying the “viewer.py” file in the screenly base directory. At ~line 343, you will find the if-block to determine which player to use. You can modify it to just hardcode to use omxplayer by commenting out four lines. Attention! Its python, so watch that you keep the indenting …

#    if arch in ('armv6l', 'armv7l'):
    player_args = ['omxplayer', uri]
    player_kwargs = {'o': settings['audio_output'], '_bg': True, '_ok_code': [0, 124, 143]}
#    else:
#       player_args = ['mplayer', uri, '-nosound']
#       player_kwargs = {'_bg': True, '_ok_code': [0, 124]}

Save your changes and reboot. Everything should be working normally again now. In case something is awry, check your /var/log/syslog file for error messages .

Hope this helps!