Not a good first experience

I’ve installed Screenly a couple of times now (once from your image, the other going from Lite and installing Screenly on top) to use as a home information display, but it seems incapable of the simplest of things.

I want to display some web pages from an internal network web server. The first issue is that it does not seem able to find local servers - I don’t think it is using my local DNS server.

Secondly, it is unable to use any sites that have parameters - replacing & with & etc etc.

Screenly does look like the right product for what I want, but unfortunately it has some massive failures.

This is really going to put off your customers who may think about using the commercail product.

Hi @GeekyTim

I want to display some web pages from an internal network web server. The first issue is that it does not seem able to find local servers - I don’t think it is using my local DNS server.

Screenly OSE doesn’t do any magic to the networking (other than the WiFi Hotspot for WiFi configuration).

By default, DHCP should be used. Hence, it will use whatever DNS server your DHCP server provides.

Secondly, it is unable to use any sites that have parameters - replacing & with & etc etc.

This seems to be related to this bug. Could you provide some more details there?

This is really going to put off your customers who may think about using the commercail product.

Screenly OSE and Screenly are two completely different products. While they shared code base many years ago, they no longer share any code as pointed out here.

I suspect the DNS issue was my end - got a couple of CM3’s on WiFi - now on hardwired so hopefully be okay now.

For the URL issue I have a page with a query - e.g. http://picm3-2.localdomain:3000/d/GxkdY2Rgz/home-weather?orgId=1&refresh=1m

On saving, the URL becomes:
and therefore fails. The error on the screen seems to say the host cannot be found, but it might be the &amp bit. The UI does not give you the option to edit the URL either.

I know the two are separate (already saw that) but I know what people are like!

I’ve tried a few others out, and Screenly OSE does seem the best ones. If the &amp can be fixed, it would be perfect!

Seeing some other people’s success with using Bitly to deal with the issue of the &amp issue, I tried it out. The weather forecast app from your app store ( now renders correctly (i.e. no longer just shows Shefield, but my home town). I also tried that with my own internal network Grafana dashboard. That renders perfectly on my PC (I’ve ensured anonymous access), but in Screenly I simply get a blank screen; for some unknown reason nothing is rendered.

I haven’t tried Grafana recently with OSE. I know they’ve made a number of changes recently, which may have caused the rendering to fail. I’m personally using Grafana to visualize Home Assistant data at home, but using the commercial version.

You might be able to work around the issue by switching to the Experimental branch of OSE. This version is using a different browser.

Will try that. Thank you.

How do I get the experimental version?

Run and choose experimental.

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