White screen and memory leak


I’m having constant issues with Anthias running out of memory and resulting in white screen.
I can see memory usage slowly ticking up, next day its dead.

I’ve only got one asset, a webpage that I’ve developed myself. It’s using javascript to load same content every 1 minute to keep it in realtime. Never had this issue before just using pi and midori.

Tested with other static pages without much javascript - same result.

Anyone have a solution to this?

@Bicobajas, let me check the issue for the time being, Does the same thing happen for static sites with JavaScript that doesn’t do something on a per-interval basis (e.g., every minute)?

Could you also provide the link to the site that you’re using as a web asset?

@Bicobajas, I’m currently revisiting the following related GitHub issue: Pi lockups after a day · Issue #1722 · Screenly/Anthias · GitHub. I’m trying to investigate and try stuff out on the Qt/C++ side of Anthias.

I was able to replicate the issue on my Pi 3 sooner by adding web assets that are more graphically-intensive. (See this page for details.)

Hello @nicomiguelino,

I’ll PM you the link.

I also added reboot every day outside of operating hours to remedy the problem, it slightly works. But today I was greeted by a completely black screen.

Assets is set up as following:

@Bicobajas, I can see that you’re having a black screen with one web asset being active (in the web UI).

  • Do you still see the black screen if you have other assets (whether it be image, video, or web) enabled and active?
  • Would you be able to provide logs for the anthias-viewer and anthias-server services? You can do so by running the following commands:
cd ~/screenly

# Option 1 - Showing server and viewer logs together.
docker compose logs -ft anthias-server anthias-viewer

# Option 2 - Showing server and viewer logs separately.
docker compose logs -ft anthias-viewer # On one terminal tab/window
docker compose logs -ft anthias-server # On another terminal tab/window


It’s been stable now with only one asset and scheduled reboot of the Pi.

But if i switch over to alternating web assets then the samme issue happens :stuck_out_tongue:

With two alternating web assets enabled and active, how long would it take for your Pi to encounter the memory leak issue?


Revisiting this, it’s still showing black screen when i come in the morning sometimes. even after i take the power off it reboots into black screen.

And this is with scheduled reboot as well as just one asset. Very frustrating


Reviving this thread. Now every day its black screen, even after several reboots.

Any clue @nicomiguelino


  • I didn’t find anything unusual yet in the logs that you’ve provided.
  • It seems that there’s only one asset enabled.
  • There was a known issue in Anthias where the asset is not being displayed if there’s only on asset in the active list.
  • We recently fixed that issue.
  • You can back up your data and do an update by running the following:
     bash <(curl -sL https://install-anthias.srly.io)