Anthias on Pi 4B START HERE - save 7 hrs of try and error


after “hundreds” (6 or 7) flawless installations of Screenly OSE and then being out of the game for some time, I wanted to fiddle around again and do my Screens myself.

Anthias Installation is far from the easiness of Screenly. And yes, I kind of know, what I am doing. At least I code quite “fluent” in Python and C++ (HA!).

Results so far:

  1. Use Pi Imager to bake your SD-Card Pi Imager
  2. Use RaspberryOS 64bit lite BULLSEYE. couldn’t get any other Version to install Anthias.
  3. Before baking: User needs to be “pi”, password “raspberry”. We change that later.
  4. Before baking: set SSH
  5. Bake
  6. Connect via SSH.
  7. Use bash <(curl -sL
  8. YES, install. No, no network, Yes, System Upgrade
  9. Installation takes a while
  10. After all this years: The splash screen.
  11. Start the “p0rn-in-your-shopping-window”-prevention…
  12. Set a password inside Anthias
  13. Use SSH to run Raspi-config sudo raspi-config
  14. System Options->S3 Password
    My adventure so far…

@SchaquesNorris Are you facing issue while installing?

What exactly do you mean by “p0rn-in-your-shopping-window”-prevention. am I missing something?

Quite often „pi“ and „raspberry“ are never changed. IIRC Screenly had no Password Protection.
This can lead to be taken over from outside.

As here in Germany, 2016 P0rn in the Shopwindow

Faced. Anthias did not install on the newest RaspOS lite or the Version before. Installing as an OS resulted in Anthias Splashscreen without any IP-Adresses.

Installing Screenly with both methods was a nobrainer. Since it is Anthias it’s a pain in the pi.

@SchaquesNorris You can enable authentication in Anthias to protect.

If your network is compromised by outside, the built-in authentication will help prevent unwanted access to the Anthias device.

The latest Raspberry PI OS Bookworm has many changes in the OS, so we are working on the support, you can see the updates here at , Please note, that this is a free and open-source project, your contribution is also highly encouraged.

For now, please use the Raspberry Pi OS - Bullseye Lite version and follow the guide here Setting Up Anthias on Raspberry Pi for Digital Signage 🖥️ - .

  1. Do you want Anthias to manage your network? This is recommended for most users because this adds features to manage your network. (Y/n)

If you are using only WiFi, then Press N as the network manager will update on the go and it will interrupt the connection if you are connected via SSH. If you are using ethernet then Press Y

3. Would you like to perform a full system upgrade as well?(Y/N)

It will do a system upgrade and it’s not mandatory, You can either choose Y or N depending on your internet bandwidth. I recommend using N for now and check.

Please check and let us now if you have any difficulty installing the software.

ah! I was thinking there was an additional step there that I didnt know about, I have passwords on all of my boards. thank you so much for this! you saved my project!


Hi @nick.woffard , All the best.