Images no longer display and turn to black

After months of correct working all images are displayed as black screen. Existing and new image assets (JPG and PNG). Webpage assets also are not displayed.

Surprisely, video contents work fine.

All the assets are able to donwload throght screenly tools, so the images are accesible for the aplicaction but not for the player.

I need help to resolve this issue. Thanks in advance.

Balena / Screenly OSE / RP3B+

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I am seeing the same exact issue on a fresh installation. Videos work, but images do not.

Did you ever resolve this?

I have exactly the same issue. System works perfectly, videos, web pages and web hosted images show up without problems but the image assets in any size or supported filetype shows only a black screen.

Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5
Anthias version: master@8d21d2b
Built from: Pi Os Lite (64bit) Bullseye 2023-02-21

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Pudiste solucionar este problema?
