Video issues/tearing/flickering

I have a Pi4 running a TV as a monitor. It mostly displays static images and some videos. I have noticed that the videos are flickering, playing frames out of sequence.

I also have a test Pi4, so I tried the same video on it, and it played fine:
the test Pi shows it’s Anthias version as: master@7b559ef
The main one shows master@591357d.
I pulled a new image via the pi imager for the test unit, and got the same flickering.
I also pulled a raspberry OS lite image, and installed Anthias onto that directly.
This also hows master@591357d and flickers, so I’m pretty sure it isn’t any combination of the hardware, but something to do with an update they have pulled for Anthias.

Has anyone else experienced this?

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@ChloeRed, we’ve recently upgraded our Docker containers from Buster (Debian 10) to Bookworm (Debian 12).

  • With that, Debian 12 deprecates omxplayer, so we moved to using VLC.
  • At the moment, I’m trying to switch to Qt for video playback. If this will not work, I’ll come back to adjusting the device and VLC settings.
  • Have you checked your HDMI cable connection?

In the meantime, you can play around with the Raspberry Pi configs, just make sure to back up /boot/config.txt (< Debian 12) or /boot/firmware/config.txt (Debian 12).

This might help:

It did indeed help, thanks.
For those who have the same issue as I did, the important line in that link was:

“dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d was the default with Buster, but Bullseye defaults to dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d”

My test install of lite+anthias still had vc4-fkms-v3d in /boot/firmware/config.txt
Changing this to dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d appears to have cleared up the video.


@ChloeRed, I tried it recently with my Pi 3 (as I’m using my Pi 4 for other tasks/issues at the moment), and has no flickering/tearing with playing the Big Buck Bunny video (1920x1080, 30 fps, H264). If you happen to have a Pi 3 and experiences similar issues, please let me know.

Thanks for your recent feedback. I’ll consider that when creating a new PR in the future.

@ChloeRed, when you’ve mentioned “…cleared up the video”, did you mean that there’s no playback?

No, cleared up as in the tearing/flickering looks to have gone, and the video is playing smoothly


Awesome, thanks for clarifying that part! :raised_hands: I’ll take note of that.

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Hi. I have the same problem but it is not fixed by that workaround. Have a raspi 4 running with Anthias directly on boot. How could I try to edit the config file on the raspi. I did it with my windows laptop on the SD card. Maybe that was not sufficient ?
I find it very frustrating that a working system is broken because of an update. Can I deactivate updates on Anthias? Can I go back to an earlier version that worked? Thanks

@Franko, is your Pi running Raspberry Pi OS Lite?

No, I flashed the phone directly on the SD card

Sorry I mean the Anthias software is via iOS maker flashed on the SD card. Is there a way to access the files on the running system? I don’t know any way to log in the raspy while running Anthias.

Hi @Franko , If you install the Anthias via the CLI - you can still SSH to the Pi and collect the log. But if you installed the Anthias via Balena, it will be different as it’s containers and you don’t have access to local SSH unless you manage your own balena fleet.

SO what is the method I chose, because I dont quite get what you mean? via CLI means flashing the whole thing with the Raspberry Pi imager on a SD card?
All I wanted to know is, how I could access the updated config file, which seems to have broght alle the problems with video playback.
the original question was: is it sufficient to change the config file in a windows editor on the SD card, or do I have to change it within the running instance on the raspi?; because changing it from :


did not solve the problem?

thanks solong
at the moment I cannot use that system, which i very sad, so I hopbe with this forums help I could bring it up again.

@Franko, I’m not sure that I can follow. I might need some more details. I recommend you to install Anthias on a Raspberry Pi 4 running Raspberry Pi OS Lite:

  • Download the Raspberry Pi Imager from this link:
  • Open the Raspberry Pi Imager app once installed.
  • For the Raspberry Pi Device, you can choose No Filtering.
  • For the Operating System, select Raspberry Pi OS (other), then choose Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bit).
  • Choose a storage device where the OS can be flashed.
  • Click Next.
  • Feel free to customize the settings (e.g., hostname, username, password, etc.) if you need to.

I should add in here - I changed the pi config to allow 4K HDMI on HDMI1 via raspi-config, so my config.txt has hdmi_enable_4kp60=1 added by that. It might need it adding manually otherwise.

I have a similar problem so look forward to others response…

@latte82, you can check your /boot/firmware/config.txt to see if dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d is present.

Thank you! I will check it out as soon as I get home.