I downloaded the image for Raspberry Pi 2 and burned it to disc. But the balena logo comes up and then it won’t start. I can ping the device but cannot access the web interface.
what are the logs showing on the balena dashboard?
Btw, screenly ose balena is going through fixes and stuff, so I would consider it in “beta” still, and you should use the regular raspbian bullseye lite OS and install screenly via bash install script… just my opinion due to balena situation.
I’m having the same issue on Pi3B. Takes forever to boot then stuck on the logo.
Currently have the OS installed but do not have the bash script handy. The one listed on the website does nothing for me.
What do you suggest I use?
EDIT: $ bash <(curl -sL https://install-ose.srly.io) ended up doing what looks like the install. Then upon reboot, it goes back to the desktop. It’s not booting to Screenly nor giving me an option to make it do it.
Try the latest disk image (available in Raspberry Pi Imager) with a wired connectivity. If you need WiFi, the best option is to use the image from Balena Hub and configure WiFi as part of the wizard.
Alternatively, use Rasbian Bullseye Lite and configure WIFi by hand before the installation.
I think you should simply get raspbian lite OS directly from raspberrypi website (do not get the one with desktop, make sure it is the lite version) this one, then flash that into the SD card, then when you finish flashing it, if you need to setup the wifi on it, manually do it via sudo raspi-config
option 1, then S1, enter wireless SSID and password.
Then to make sure wifi is working, check with command iwconfig
and look for the wlan0 to show the connection status.
Then run the bash install script and if there is any errors or a black screen after installation, first simply reboot, try to update the firmware by running sudo rpi-update
, then say yes to updating, then upon a reboot of that, run the script ./screenly/bin/upgrade_containers.sh
This is pretty much all steps to get it running on that RPI2, try it and post back with any issues or errors and maybe a picture so I can see what the culprit might be…
Thank you for the suggestions.
I’ve managed to get it working. The issue partly stemmed from a bad micro SD card and then trying to get it set up with a 32bit image.
Once I went with the 64 bit image and a new SD card it seems to work.