Youtube wont play nice

I am trying to display some youtube video but it is choppy, blocky etc…
any tip to help me
(install lite 64bit then bash <(curl -sL

|Load Average |0.93|
|Free Space |19G|
|Memory |Total: 3674 / Used: 968 / Free: 103 / Shared: 17 / Buff: 61 / Available: 2612|
|Uptime |0 days and 2.5 hours|
|Display Power (CEC) |None|
|Device Model |Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5|
|Anthias Version |master@188e399|
|MAC Address |Unable to retrieve MAC address.|

@fredette42, it depends on the quality and type of video to be uploaded. As Anthias doesn’t optimize the video during uploads, you can process video files using ffmpeg in the meantime.

Also, it would make a good feature. Feel free to fork Anthias and create a pull request if possible.

Thanks! this is one example it is looking like slide and blocky, stripe etc… Not sure what you meen by process using ffmpeg can you explain how to do that?

@fredette42, ffmpeg can be used to manipulate a video’s format, quality, etc.
For instance, if a video downloaded from YouTube is in 1920x1080 or higher and in 60 fps, you can use ffmpeg to convert the video to 1280x720 and 30fps. Here’s an example forum discussion for reference: How to resize a video to make it smaller with FFmpeg - Super User