Can't login a second time

I prepared 3xpi3 and 1xpi4 cards at home. Went to work and started them up.

The first one (Pi3, installed from Raspberry Pi Imager) showed the correct IP adress and I could connect and upload more images to it.

The second one (Pi3, installed onto a 32-bit Bullseye) showed the wrong IP (the one I got at home), but I checked the network and could connect to it. Uploaded a couple more images.

The third one (Pi3, installed onto a 64-bit Bullseye) showed the wrong IP (the one I got at home), but I checked the network and could connect to it. Uploaded a couple more images.

The fourth one (Pi4, installed onto a 64-bit Bullseye) showed the wrong IP (the one I got at home), doesn’t show up in the network. Can’t connect to it. Shows the test images I set up initially at home.

Mkay, weird. I try to connect to the first one again. Nope. Second one. Nope. Third one. Nope. Gaaaaaah!

Do we have an open GitHub issue with regards to this stale/old IP being shown in the Anthias Splash screen? because this would probably solve this situation which I’ve also experienced.

What methods of connection are you using, Ethernet or WiFi?
Also, stop using 32-bit Raspbian OS Lite image, that version has more compatibility issues due to packages and Pip being 32-bit… always use the 64-bit to reduce the potential issues you might run into…

Well, neither has been working properly, so that’s why I tried with all possible variations. I will try only with 64-bit from now on. I connected via wifi.

Do you want me to show you how to prepare a wpa_supplicant.conf file that you can use on headless systems or in general to provide WiFi access to the Pi without needing to manually go and set it up via raspi-config?

If so, I’ve posted the instructions once before here: Wifi not working - Anthias - Anthias Forum (

It makes setting up the Pi so much easier because you load up that file in the SD card and upon the system starting up it looks for this file like it does the ssh one and when found it automatically creates the connection for you (if the file is properly created of course), so I highly recommend you do this.

Yea, no I know how to create one. It’s just that I rather not use wifi on these. The wifi can get shitty at times at the moment and I prefer to have them connected via ethernet. Thanks though.

@ealmonte32, yes, we already have an open GitHub issue related to this problem - IP address previewed on the splash screen doesn’t update · Issue #1766 · Screenly/Anthias (

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@pepeu, do you remember what you’ve entered for the following Y/n prompts?
@ealmonte32, I’m not sure if this has something to do with the network manager.

Anthias requires a dedicated Raspberry Pi / SD card.
You will not be able to use the regular desktop environment once installed.

Do you still want to continue? (y/N)
Do you want Anthias to manage your network? This is recommended for most users because this adds features to manage your network. (Y/n)

Would you like to perform a full system upgrade as well? (y/N)

Can’t recall at the moment. Probably yes on all. Should I say no to letting Anthias manage the network?

No. You should probably be fine. I always say yes to all those prompts. I’m just ruling things out.