Does Screenly work on the Raspberry Pi 4?


I’m really stuck with my Raspberry 4 installation.

So I’ve installed the developers build with no problems, but after a restart the screenly bootscreen is shown and then it switches to a black screen.

Only ALT + F1 is working and gets me into the terminal.

I’ve deleted the /home/pi/screenly folder and reran the installation. Still not working.

I used the Pi imager and preset for Pi OS Lite (Legacy) with Debian Buster.

Please help! I have to get 2 of them done for a company.

Hello, I have the same problem as you. I don’t know much about it and I’ve been struggling for several weeks. the paid version works on installation without any difficulty, but the OSE no longer seems to be developed… But some people have managed to install it anyway. If any of the successful ones would be kind enough to provide an installation procedure with screenshot, that would be super nice for all. thank you

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Yeah I’ve installed the paid version easily. I’m pretty sure that nothing will happen anymore unfortunately. Since 2019 it’s in development and since today it’s not working. Maybe because to lead to the paid version?

Maybe there’s a difference between the Pi 4’s revisions, too? Some got it to work some not.
I have the rev. 1.5 one and no hope is left tbh.

Would be great if there’s someone who made it work, could send a good explanation. :slight_smile:

All I’ve found the last weeks are code snippets with infos from many sites. I’m no Linux expert and nearly all posts expect this. :smiley:

si ca peux aider d’autre, screenly fonctionne bien sur le Pi4, mais il faut installer : Raspberry pi OS Lite (LEGACY) (j’utilise la Raspberry PI imager v1.7.2)

puis en ssh :

bash <(curl -sL

et tout est ok.

Bonjour ICM,

J’ai un Pi4 (2GB), j’utilise également Rasp imager 1.7.2 pour installer l’image du Debian OS Lite (Legacy) .
Ensuite en SSH je met lance bien le programme d’installation, et le mode modérateur, mais lorsque l’install est finie et que je reboot le raspberry, le système semble se lancer, mais fini sur un écran noir …
Qu’as tu choisis dans les options d’installation ? Manage system ? System complet ?

Merci d’avance

il faut malheureusement obligatoirement une connexion internet active pour que le système ce lance, avez vous bien une connexion internet active sur le raspberry?

j’ai fait des test avec la gestion réseau ou sans, et aussi la dernière version stable, ou la version programmeur les 2 fonctionne aussi.

ne pas oublier de faire avant l’install
« sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y »

Merci de ta réponse,
Alors oui j’ai un connexion active sur le raspberry, je l’ai d’ailleurs passé en ethernet pour être sûr.
Je fais toujours les update et upgrade du système, et avant de lancer l’installation de screenly je fais meme un coup de sudo su, juste au cas ou il manques des autorisations.
Mais pour l’instant cela ne fonctionne toujours pas.

J’ai trouvé d’où vient le problème : Certains raspberry Pi 4 ne sont pas livrés avec le même bootloader.
Ce que j’ai fait :

J’ai donc commencer par mettre sont Raspberry à jour au niveau du bootloader avec “Raspberry Pi imager”
Ensuite il faut installer (toujours avec Raspberry Pi imager) l’image de Debian : Raspberry pi OS lite (Legacy).
Brancher le raspberry en ethernet et à un écran + clavier.
Après une fois dans le terminal il suffit de faire les commandes :
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install python3 (au cas ou il ne soit pas installé)
sudo su (pour devenir super utilisateur, toujours au cas ou)
bash <(curl -sL
L’installation de screenly se lance :

  • Voulez vous continuer : Yes
  • Quelle version : (2) Developer
  • Diriger le Raspberry avec screenly : Yes
  • Refonte total du système : Yes
  • Voulez vous redemarrer : Yes (logique …)

Et au redemarrage, en patientant quelques minutes, l’écran noir laisse place à screenly

Si ca peut en aider …

:+1: merci de l’explication

I’m using a 4Gb RPi 4b and I followed your steps using the raspberry pi os-lite [legacy] OS, installed from the Raspberry Pi Imager v1.7.2:

$ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"

[only difference being, I used a USB flash drive]:

$ sudo raspi-config
$ passwd pi
$ sudo raspi-config
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt install python3
$ sudo su
# bash <(curl -sL
# reboot

… but I simply get the commonly-reported “black screen” after the screenly logo. I can ssh in, but no web service is running:

pi@screenlypi:/var/log $ sudo netstat -tnlp | grep 80
pi@screenlypi:/var/log $ sudo netstat -tnlp | grep 443
pi@screenlypi:/var/log $ sudo netstat -tnlp | grep 8080

the entries in /var/log/daemon.log & syslog file:

Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi systemd[1]: Started Screenly Host Agent.
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]: INFO:root:Connecting to redis...
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/redis/", line 492, in connect
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]:     sock = self._connect()
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/redis/", line 550, in _connect
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]:     raise err
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/redis/", line 538, in _connect
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]:     sock.connect(socket_address)
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]: ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]: During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]:   File "/home/pi/screenly/", line 52, in <module>
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]:     subscriber_loop()
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]:   File "/home/pi/screenly/", line 41, in subscriber_loop
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]:     pubsub.subscribe(CHANNEL_NAME)
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/redis/", line 3096, in subscribe
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]:     ret_val = self.execute_command('SUBSCRIBE', *iterkeys(new_channels))
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/redis/", line 3003, in execute_command
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]:     self.shard_hint
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/redis/", line 994, in get_connection
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]:     connection.connect()
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/redis/", line 497, in connect
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]:     raise ConnectionError(self._error_message(e))
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi python3[1292]: redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: Error 111 connecting to Connection refused.
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi systemd[1]: screenly-host-agent.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jun 22 22:58:55 screenlypi systemd[1]: screenly-host-agent.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

Network access is good:

pi@screenlypi:/var/log $ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=10.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=55 time=8.99 ms

Anyone have any input as to what the problem may be?

"I found where the problem comes from: Some raspberry Pi 4 do not come with the same bootloader.
What I have done :

So I started by updating my Raspberry at the bootloader level with “Raspberry Pi imager”
Then you have to install (still with Raspberry Pi imager) the Debian image: Raspberry pi OS lite (Legacy).
Connect the raspberry in ethernet and to a screen + keyboard.
After once in the terminal just do the commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install python3 (in case it is not installed)
sudo su (to become super user, always in case)
bash <(curl -sL
The installation of screenly starts:

Do you want to continue: Yes
Which version: (2) Developer
Direct the Raspberry with screenly: Yes
Total system overhaul: Yes
Do you want to restart: Yes (logical …)
And when restarting, waiting a few minutes, the black screen gives way to screenly

If it can help…."