Screen transitions between assets

i see previous posts about this from years past, it seems like it was resolved at some point.

the screen transitions between PNG images at 1920x1080 are rough. a noticeable flicker in the screen is present, and they are not seamless like the previous OSE 2020 version.

is there a fix or workaround for this?

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+1, I notice this too, must be due to the new browser software they’re using since the change a while ago.

I too saw this on a 3B+. After a few things like this, I gave up on the new version and went back to the 2020 OSE, it has it’s problems but I found if I keep the image sizes as small as possible I don’t have the browser looping and hogging the cpu’s.

Also my Raspberry Pi 3B+ displays the photos with jerky loading and steps without continuity between one photo and another. Has anyone found a solution? I have pictures with resolution 1920x1080 in jpg format, all smaller than 800k. Thank you

Hello, @caimano. Would you be able to provide a video of that?

I’ve had this same issue as well. I have a site I use with multiple slides that auto transitions. With regular raspbian, in Chromium browser, the site doesn’t have any flickering. With Anthias installed direct, or with Raspbian lite, there is very bad flickering. I’ve tried lowering the resolution to 480p, and 720p, tried on different TVs, and monitors. Enabled, and disabled Overscan, adjusted the refresh rate, hdmi pulling, etc. and nothing has fixed this issue.

This is on a Raspberry Pi 4 using a UHS Class 3/Class 10 Micro SD card

Hi @nicomiguelino . Yes, here it is. I got it with my smartphone. You can clearly see the transition pause (a real step) at the top of the screen when switching from one photo to another.
Yo can see it here: foto.mp4

Hi, I hope to know what is the problem. I have just order 2 new 32Gb Kingston Micro SD card with high level velocity class. Then i’ll duplicate one sd to another to make a test. I think it could be a transfer rate problem of my Kingston Micro SD card V10. I’ll keep you updated.

No, nothing. Also with new Kingston 64GB micro sd memory card with 170mb/s in reading and 140 mb/s in writing the problem is the same. Other tests can we do? Ideas? Workaround? I can’t believe that with the new version we went backwards instead of forward…

I’ll take a good look at this one. Might have something to do with the browser used.

I also have an issue where between images it will
flash to Black or draw 1/2 the next image with 1/2 black before the next image fully shows.
I am interested in a work around.
What is suggested?
trying chromium browser - or some other browser?
trying pngs?
making the frame deminsion of images smaller?
using a previous version ? – what would that previous version be?
what is ment by OSE 2020?

The issue has something to do with the C++ (web view/browser) code. Thank you for providing possible solutions. Given the existing code, flickery/jerky behavior is expected.

OSE stands for Open Source Edition. Screenly OSE was renamed to Anthias last December 2022 to minimize confusion among users. More details could be found here. OSE 2020 refers to the 2020 version of Screenly OSE.

Hi, i know that Screenly OSE was renamed to Anthias. I have already subscribed to the new 4k players that are on sale with Screenly, but I still have to maintain many of these systems with Anthias because I have many NEC 40" TVs with built-in Raspberry that I cannot replace. With the old version of OSE, I didn’t have such problem but I also couldn’t view some modern websites.With Anthias version however websites are displayed correctly but it lost quality in fluent display of images as we all could see.There is possibility to replace the non-performant c++ code or directly replace the browser that displays the images with something more performant?

Hello, @caimano. We’re in the middle of migrating the codebase from Flask to Django, but we’ll look forward to doing the optimization (e.g., tweaking the C++ code, and replacing the browser) in the future. Thank you for giving recommendations.

Hello, I am new to Anthias, I’ve installed the player on a rpi4 and having a black screen transition between assets, is this fixable? Any news on this?


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This probably has something to do with the C++ code. Whenever an image asset (for instance) is being displayed, the Python code will notify the C++/Qt-based binary to display the image (via DBus).

A PR/fix for this PR isn’t availabe yet. As a possible workaround, does the issue persist on your device if you use image assets with smaller resolutions?

Hi, this is the first thing I tried. It does not work.